Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Untold Story Of Facebook-2019

    FACEBOOK is a social networking website where every user can create facebbook account share photo,write article, share their knowledge, earn money ,comments on other person post, post links to news or other interesting content on the web, share other post,  watch short form video ,see other reaction of different catagories at facebook, livechat ect.

Getting Started on Facebook:
    Signing up for facebook is very easy and free for all , user just need name, phone number or email.

Berif Description of Facebook:
    The founder and CEO of facebook is Mark Elliot Zuckerberg who is an American Technology  entrepreneur and Philanthropist. The facebook was launched on 4th February 2004 by Zuckerberg along with the students of Harvard University at Cambridge USA and his roommates Eduardo Saverin,Andrew Mccollum,Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz. He is the top of the most popular social media network in just  33 years  age.The first name of the facebook was but in august of 2005 the site’s name changed into FACEBOOK .Facebook was just intended for college students but now everyone can join the network. Facebook provides different method to find friends such as workplaces, college  students and regions.

    Many people use facebook for wasting time, entertainment, fun, to share information, intract with friends and family and enjoy themselves through facebook. Every user can create profile where they can have their photo of themselves, as well as large cover image and information about their works, education, interest, marital status many more. The limits of friend  in facebook is five thousand (5000). User can does small business through facebook by create facebook page and earn money. Like different tool to reach their market ,they want to have a plan for how they will use their facebook page, like a profile image and they can have photo and cover but in this case user can have graphics and their products. A facebook page is also a great method to keep up followers to date on what is going on user business.

   About Facebook User:
    The active user of facebook around 2,401,580,500 ,( but the number of facebook user is not constat o
r limited , the number of facebook user still increasing and in future it will be large number of user social network in the world. User can use facebook anytime as their wish and everywhere ( the place where there is a good network).

Different Social Sites:
    In the world there are many social network besides facebook try to help user connect. Some the popular social network sites are instagram, twiter, tumblr, linkedln, pinterest, google+, and many more . The social sites might be popular in just one country but facebook is most popular overall world and everywhere. Facebook is  most of similar with different social networks such as creating account, establishing connections, creating timeline, liking content and many more. However every social network brings a slightly different from other social network.

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